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The AMS Council

Members of the AMS council are elected yearly and serve a maximum of 3 years (president and vice-president) or 6 years (secretary, treasurer, councillors). For a nomination form to be elected to the council click here.

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President: Jonathan Plett

Associate Professor
Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment

Western Sydney University, NSW

Twitter: @FungiDownUnder



Jonathan Plett joined the team at the Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment at Western Sydney University in October 2012. He holds a Ph.D. in biology from Queen's University in Canada in developmental biology where he specialized in the molecular dissection of hormone signaling pathways.  Jonathan became interested in mycology during his post doctoral research at L'Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), France, where he worked on functionally characterizing small secreted protein signals that coordinate symbiosis between plants and soil-borne mutualistic fungi – an interaction that is essential for the continued health and productivity of forests.  Currently Jonathan is working on a range of projects centering around the biology of both mutualistic and pathogenic fungi that interact with a range of ecologically and agronomically important plant species.  Specifically, his research seeks to identify and understand how signals are sent and perceived by plants and their associated microbiota to coordinate development and support ecosystem resilience. This work will extend global understanding of the basic biology that enables plants and microbes to co-exist and to extend our  predictions into how environmental extremes such as heat and elevated levels of CO2 affect the balance in plant-microbe interactions.


Secretary: Camille Truong

Research Scientist (Mycologist)

Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria, VIC


Twitter: @CamilleTruong3

Camille is a Research Scientist at the Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria and Honorary Senior Fellow at the University of Melbourne. She did her PhD at the University of Geneva and was a postdoc/research fellow at Duke University, University of Florida and the National Autonomous University of Mexico. In parallel to her graduate studies, she worked as Assistant Curator in the fungal collections of the Botanical Gardens of Geneva in Switzerland, her home country. Her research integrates natural history collections with state-of-the-art molecular tools to unravel the diversity of fungi and their interactions with other organisms. Her initial interests focused on lichen-forming fungi, and now consider how ectomycorrhizal fungi play important roles in the establishment, growth and health of trees and other vascular plants. She has been conducting field expeditions in temperate and tropical forests of Europe, the Americas, Africa and Australasia, and was the recipient of a Maxwell/Hanrahan Awards in Field Biology in 2023. Camille is dedicated to build capacity in her field and founded the video blog What we are reading for the South American Mycorrhizal Research Network. She also acts in the research award committee of the Mycological Society of America. Outside of work Camille enjoys riding her bicycle and climbing mountains.

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Councillor: Johanna Wong-Bajracharya

Research Officer, NSW Department of Primary Industries (NSW DPI) Plant Biosecurity Research & Diagnostics

Email :

Johanna is a molecular biologist with a research focus on molecular plant-microbial interactions. She completed her BSc in Biology and MPhil in Molecular Biotechnology at the Chinese University of Hong Kong before moving to Australia in 2016 for her PhD at the Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment at Western Sydney University. In her PhD study, she aimed to gain an understanding of the below-ground molecular signalling between eucalypt roots and soil fungi using molecular and bioinformatic techniques. Her studies involved soil fungi of different lifestyles such as the mutualistic ectomycorrhizal fungus Pisolithus microcarpus and the pathogenic fungus Armillaria luteobubalina. She compared the different molecular signals that enable mutualistic ectomycorrhizal symbiosis from those that trigger defence responses. She also explored small RNA crosstalk involved in tree-fungal symbiosis. After completing her PhD, she worked as a research associate at the University of Technology Sydney and was involved in the development of metagenomic workflows for antimicrobial resistance detection. In November 2020 she joined the plant biosecurity team in the Department of Primary Industries NSW. Her current role focuses on the development and optimization of molecular diagnostic assays for exotic and endemic plant pathogens that pose a threat to the Australian agroforestry industry.



Vice President: Anna Hopkins

Senior Lecturer

Edith Cowan University

Perth, WA



Anna is a Senior Lecturer in conservation biology and environmental science in the School of Science at Edith Cowan University in Perth. Anna is also the postgraduate coursework coordinator in Environmental Science and Bioinformatics. Anna’s love for fungi started as an honours student at the University of Western Australia where she undertook a joint project with CSIRO examining methods for reintroducing mycorrhizal fungi into revegetation plantings in the WA wheatbelt. She then did a PhD at the University of Tasmania in collaboration with the CRC for Forestry and CSIRO. Her research examined the impact of forest management practices on the wood-decay fungi of wet eucalypt forests in southern Tasmania. During this time Anna also worked as a sessional lecturer at the University of Tasmania teaching plant pathology and mycology. Anna then turned her focus to fungal plant pathogens and undertook an industry postdoctoral position at Scion in New Zealand where she investigated the ecology of the invasive forest pathogen Neonectria fuckeliana. As part of this postdoc Anna spent time in Sweden and Denmark investigating the pathogen in its native range. This led to a three-year research fellowship at the Swedish University of Agricultural Science in Uppsala, Sweden where Anna worked on an EU project examining the impact of invasive pests and pathogens under climate change. In 2013, Anna returned to Perth first to Murdoch University and then to a teaching and research position at Edith Cowan University. Her research interests include understanding the impact of disturbances such as drought and urbanisation on soil microbes, fungal-plant-fauna interactions and using eDNA techniques to answer broad ecological and management-based questions. Outside of work, Anna is a mama to two primary school-aged children and enjoys swimming and bushwalking.


Treasurer: Jordan Bailey

Curator, NSW Department of Primary Industries (NSW DPI) Plant Pathology & Mycology Herbarium


Jordan discovered the world of Herbaria as an intern at the National Herbarium in Sydney. Following her degree in Agricultural Science, Jordan undertook postgraduate studies in plant pathology, biosecurity, and diagnostics. She went on to work with herbaria in the USA at Purdue University and the United States Department of Agriculture, National Fungus Collections, focusing on specimen digitization and taxonomy and systematics of fungal pathogens.


Jordan returned to Australia to take on the role of Curator at the NSW Department of Primary Industries (NSW DPI) Plant Pathology & Mycology Herbarium in Orange in 2017. In 2020, Jordan was appointed Director of the NSW DPI Orange Agricultural Institute, a role that aims to promote the work of DPI scientists in Orange.



Mahajabeen Padamsee

New Zealand Fungarium, Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research, New Zealand



Non-voting council members

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Immediate Past President:

Tracey Steinrucken


CSIRO Health and Biosecurity, QLD


Twitter: @tvsteinrucken

Tracey is a Plant Pathology Research Scientist at CSIRO. She has just completed her Postdoctoral Research with CSIRO H&B working in collaboration with Biosecurity Queensland on biological control of the five weedy Sporobolus grass species using endemic fungal pathogens. Tracey studied at Deakin University for her undergrad and then did her Masters of Science (Plant Ecology) at Lund University in Sweden with her thesis as a collaboration with RMIT University (Melbourne) and the Victorian Department of Primary Industries. Her research was on biological control of invasive tutsan (Hypericum androsaemum) with a rust fungus (Melampsora hypericorum). She then started her PhD based at CSIRO Health and Biosecurity in Brisbane, while enrolled at the Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment at Western Sydney University. Her PhD focused on fungal pathogen-mediated dieback of the invasive tree, Parkinsonia aculeata and its potential as a biocontrol agent. Part of her PhD was spent as a Fulbright Postgraduate Scholar hosted by the Garbelotto Lab at the University of California Berkeley. She has also worked as a consultant to Meat and Livestock Australia and QUT on pasture dieback, as a Research Assistant for CSIRO H&B (weed biological control with insects),

During Tracey's time on the AMS council, she was Treasurer for 3 years and then took over as President as the COVID-19 Pandemic hit. Tracey was instrumental in setting up and hosting the Monthly Virtual Seminar Series, a now-established event which she is very proud of. Outside of work Tracey is a Mum and spends weekends playing soccer or hiking in the forests around Brisbane looking for wildlife and interesting fungi.

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Webmaster: Dee Carter


School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Sydney, NSW 



Dee did a degree in microbiology and biochemistry at Otago University, New Zealand, where she became captivated by molecular biology and its application to microorganisms.  She then moved to London and undertook a PhD at Imperial College on mapping avirulence genes in Phytophthera infestans.  After a two-year stint in Montpellier, France, working on Alzheimer’s disease, she gladly returned to the fungal world and took up a postodoctoral fellowship in California at Roche Molecular Systems and UC Berkeley. PCR had just opened the world of phylogenetics and molecular ecology to microbiology, and the Berkeley lab was at the forefront of applying this to the fungi and had just moved into medical mycology; Dee and colleagues worked on the endemic pathogens Coccidioides immitis and Histoplasma capsulatum and used molecular population genetics to prove that supposedly asexual fungi like Coccidioides are able undergo sexual exchange when no-one is looking.  Dee moved to Australia in 1995 to take up a lectureship at the University of Sydney, where she has continued her interest in the population genetics and ecology of medically important fungi, with a focus on the local pathogen Cryptococcus gattii. In recent years, Dee’s research group has expanded their interests to investigate genes and proteins that are expressed by Cryptococcus during mammalian infection and antifungal treatment. The aim of this work is to identify therapeutic and diagnostic markers for the treatment of fungal diseases, which remains extremely difficult. As well as research, Dee teaches undergraduate microbiology and molecular biology within the School of Life and Environmental Sciences at Sydney University, and was head of Microbiology until August 2020. She was president of AMS from 2009-2012. She designed and has been running the website since 2009.

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Australian Student Representative: 

Emily McIntyre

University of Melbourne 


Emily is a graduate of a Masters of Ecosystem Management and Conservation, where her thesis explored the effect of biotic and environmental variables on soil fungi across an elevational gradient. She is currently undertaking a PhD at the University of Melbourne, where she is studying the diversity and ecology of hypogeous fungi in south-eastern Australia. Her research explores the distribution and diversity of these fungi and their mutualistic relationship with the endangered Long-Footed Potoroo. Emily is most interested in learning about the interactions that fungi have with plants, animals, and abiotic factors, to better understand how ecosystems function.


New Zealand Student Representative: 

Bryan Menger

University of Canterbury


Bryan is currently completing an Honours degree in Microbiology at the University of Canterbury, focusing on engineering fungi to reduce methane emissions from livestock. His passion for mycology drove him to transition from his previous career to pursue a Bachelor of Science, aiming to become a dedicated fungal researcher. Bryan's research explores innovative ways to harness fungi for environmental sustainability, particularly in mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. Outside the lab, Bryan enjoys exploring New Zealand’s diverse ecosystems to photograph fungi in their natural habitats.

Past Presidents of AMS

2020 2023  : President Tracey Steinrucken; Vice President Bevan Weir

2017 – 2020  :  President Leona Campbell; Vice President Jeff Powell

2015  – 2017  :  President John Dearnaley; Vice President Julie Djordjevic

2012  – 2014  :  President Diana Leemon; Vice President Peter McGee

2009 – 2012  :  President Dee Carter;  Vice President Diana Leemon

2007 – 2009  :  President Teresa Lebel;  Vice President Bettye Rees

2006                :  President Geoff Ridley

2003 – 2005  :  President Wieland Meyer

1998 – 2002  :  President Cheryl Grgurinovic

1995 – 1997   :  President Jack Simpson

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