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AMS membership aims to promote mycology, interaction and collaboration among mycologists from all areas of the science.  A quarterly newsletter, monthly seminars, and regular conferences and forays are all avenues to bring members together to share their research, network and build the profile of mycology. All individual memberships provide voting rights in Society general meetings.


We encourage anyone interested in mycology and the aims of the society to apply for membership. 

Several types of membership are offered, including Sustaining Membership, which provides an opportunity for members to make a larger contribution to running the society.  Sustaining members will be listed (with their permission) in the December online newsletter of the AMS.


To make a donation to our society, you can also do so via PayPal

Membership renewal and application for membership

Membership subscriptions fall due on 1 January each year. To facilitate preparation of the Society’s accounts for auditing before the AGM, we encourage you to subscribe prior to April 30.  The Treasurer will endeavour to send individual reminders to all members including any arrears.

Treasurer: Jordan Bailey

Membership prices

Membership subscription in the Society covers a calendar year, with subscriptions falling due on January 1 each year. Membership can be purchased in the following categories:

Online payment

Note: when paying by PayPal please forward the transaction number and/or receipt to

Donate with PayPal

Full Membership


1 year:  $75.00

3 years: $200.00

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Buy with PayPal

Laboratory Membership

Laboratory membership can be purchased by a lab head to cover themselves and all students under their primary supervision, and provides the lab head and named students all membership entitlements. Please send the name and status of each student to the treasurer when purchasing laboratory membership. 


1 year:  $150.00


3 years:  $400.00

Buy with PayPal
Buy with PayPal

Concessional Membership

The Concessional Member category covers students, retirees, and those receiving a government pension.


1 year:  $37.50

3 years:  $100.00

Buy with PayPal
Buy with PayPal

Sustaining Membership

1 year:  $150.00

3 years:  $400.00

Buy with PayPal
Buy with PayPal

Non-online payment:

  • Cheque or money order in AU$ payable to the Australasian Mycological Society Inc.

  • Direct deposit into the Society’s account :


BANK: Commonwealth Bank of Australia

NAME: Australasian Mycological Society

BRANCH ADDRESS: 33-35 Northbourne Avenue, Canberra City, ACT 2600, Australia

FULL ACCOUNT NUMBER including Bank, State & Branch number (BSB): 06 2919 10113007

SWIFT CODE for international transfers: CTBAAU2S

Please put AMS, your first initial and your surname in the ‘narration’ field to indicate who made the payment (e.g. AMS John Smith)

  • Once you have renewed your membership also e-mail the treasurer your name, address and e-mail details so we can keep our membership files up to date

Membership Pins

Our brand-new 2024 AMS members pin is ready to ship!

Since last year, we are producing an annual AMS Members Pin. The pins are designed by Dr Jordan Bailey and will be sent out to all existing members and new members joining or renewing their membership before 31 May each year.

2024 design inspiration

There are more than 150 species of Amanita occurring in Australasia. These ectomycorrhizal fungi provide a range of benefits to their hosts,  such as increased nutrient uptake and protection against pathogens. Several exotic species have been introduced in our region, including some highly toxic species. A recent study from AMS members can be found here. 

2023 design inspiration

The United Nations (UN) chose the millets as "Crop of the year". Due to their stress tolerance, this resilient crop is a valuable ally in the fight against world hunger. However, millets are attacked by a range of pathogens, including Sclerospora graminicola and Puccinia substriata var. indica. In our support of the UN sustainability goals, let us as a community support research in fighting these diseases!

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