Australasian Mycologist Volume 22(2): 2004
James H. Cunnington and Roger G. Shivas
The phylogenetic position of Tilletia nigrifaciens.
Australasian Mycologist 22, 53–56
B.J. Rees, A. Marchant and G. C. Zuccarello
A tale of two species—possible origins of red to purple-coloured Gymnopilus species in Europe..
Australasian Mycologist 22, 57–72
Frank H. Gleason and Peter A. McGee
The ultrastructure of walls in some sporocarpic species of Densospora, Glomus and Endogone.
Australasian Mycologist 22, 73–78
Keith M. Harrower
Gravity plates in the teaching of mycology—an appraisal.
Australasian Mycologist 22, 79–81. Erratum
David G. Medway
Report: Mycophagy of a New Zealand epigeous fungus, probably by brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula).
Australasian Mycologist 22, 82–83
J. A. Simpson
Book Review: Ian Hood, An Introduction to Fungi on Wood in Queensland.
Australasian Mycologist 22, 84